Happy Loy Krathong!

So I will admit. I am beyond excited that I get to experience one of the most colourful and picturesque festivals celebrated within Thailand! Loy Krathong! For those of you who may not know, Loy Krathong is an annual festival that falls on the night of the twelfth lunar month. During this time people gather around lakes, rivers and canals to pay their respects to the goddess of water. In doing so, stunning flower type rafts that are decorated with candles and incense (known as Krathongs) are then released into the water. I have only seen pictures of this festival and it looks absolutely magical.

In preparation for today’s/tonight’s festivities, my students showed up to school in their beautiful Thai outfits, put on a cute dance performance and each brought a Krathong of their very own. The best part about work today is that I even got to make one! Cannot wait to see what tonight has in store.

xo Chaylavie


New Term New Memories


The second term of the year started for  many/most Thai students this week. As a result, this week in particular, for myself, has been interesting to say the least. Right away I have had to jump into lesson planning and a lot of organization just to get back into the grove of things (which is a little hard when you have been off for a month, just saying). The kiddies are way too adorable and all showed up to class with new haircuts and looking and totally refreshed! Haha man do I love them. This is going to be my first whole semester working in Thailand so I am quite excited to see what it brings me. For now, here are some cute pictures of this week. 🙂
