A New Year A New Adventure

So 2014 is a thing of the past. Another 365 days have come and gone and finally it is out with the old and in with the new! And what a better way to start a year off than by planning some upcoming adventures? Yes you heard right, this gal has some extremely exciting and life changing plans taking place this year and I cannot wait to share! There are some specific long-term goals that I had set out to accomplish once I completed my undergraduate degree. Unfortunately, life temporarily got into the way and had me believe that those goals were not achievable. However, a big ole apple decided to knock me on the head, figuratively of course (much like those cartoons of Sir Isaac Newton) and now those goals are within arm’s reach. Although I cannot say too much about these goals at the moment I will be posting A LOT about them sometime soon in the near future! What are your goals and aspirations for 2015? Remember, anything is possible if you want it enough ;).


  xo Chaylavie